- Gambling Pros And Cons Essays
- Gambling Pros And Cons Essay Examples
- Gambling Pros And Cons Essay Writing
- Gambling Pros And Cons Essay Example

Gambling Pros And Cons Essays
Gambling is a very controversial subject. There are many different pros and cons for gambling. One pro is tha a person can make make fast money and have fun at Casinos. On the other hand, a person can lose all their money and go through a period of stress. Legalized gambling requires consideration, prize and chance. The pros and cons are the two main types of standardized testing. I will look into them independently beginning with the pros and then cons. According to Sacks, (1999), the pros of standardized testing is a studying scenario, where a student has to pass certain tests to determine that he has acquired proficiency in various. The pros of gambling and sports betting are numerous, so are the reasons people enjoy it. Therefore, it will be wrong to distinguish one most important advantage. Anyway, we have picked up several most significant reasons that drive people to a casino’s doors.
Positive Aspects of Legalized Gambling:
Gambling Pros And Cons Essay Examples

- Economic Stimulation : The economy can always use a boost, and legalized gambling could provide that. Offering places to gamble also increases tourism, as indicated by the number of annual visitors to Las Vegas and other gambling havens. Generating billions of dollars and tens of thousands of jobs worldwide, legal gambling is an exciting way to stimulate the troubled global economy.
- Legal Behaviors : When a population is told that they aren’t allowed to gamble, it’s the first thing that they want to do. Studies of human behavior indicate that people always want what they can’t have, and gambling is no different. It stands to reason that increasing the number of people who are allowed to gamble legally will reduce illegal gaming behaviors.
- Family Revenue : Those who are lucky enough to have a successful professional gambler in their household can attest to the realities of a society that embraces gambling as a legal choice. In a time of economic uncertainty, many families are learning to rely on non-traditional means of support; legalized gambling would make it easier for a professional online poker player to support those that he loves the most.
- Entertainment : Finally, a benefit of legalized gambling is to provide a safe, exciting way to relieve stress. The online gambler who knows that his activities are legal will be far more likely to be less stressed than those who have to ponder the murky legal status of their gaming. Furthermore, legalized gambling as a stress reducer could create an environment where players are happier and more productive in their personal and professional lives.
Gambling Pros And Cons Essay Writing
- Financial Concerns : The act of wagering on the outcome of any given game is a risky one, and the gambler may be spending funds that could be better used elsewhere. Ideally, gamblers will only bet what they can afford to lose, but this often isn’t the case. Instead, those who like to wager often try to compensate for a big loss by betting more and losing again.
- Addiction : Winning a large amount of cash on a wager can be intoxicating; like alcohol and other drugs, the feeling of winning can become addictive. Some gambling addicts firmly believe that they wouldn’t have lost their homes, cars, and families if gambling had been illegal. It’s important to remember to balance this information with personal experience; if you know you’re a responsible gamer, you have nothing to worry about.
- Crime Rates : Cities that have legalized gambling tend to also experience an increase in crime rates. Some argue that increased crime is a result of people losing too much money, but others feel that the large amounts of cash associated with gambling lead to an increase in illegal activity. In order to successfully legalize gambling, officials should consider an increased law enforcement presence.
- Small Businesses Suffer : There is some indication that those communities with legal gambling see a loss in the amount of revenue garnered by small businesses. In addition to providing exciting recreation opportunities, casinos and other gambling establishments tend to support restaurants, bars, and other businesses. When casino visitors come to gamble, they stay for dinner; over time, this tendency can decrease the amount of customers that smaller businesses serve.
What Do You Think?
Now that you’ve read over several pros and cons of legalized gambling, what do you think? Is global economic growth more important than the needs of small businesses? Is gambling as a method of employment acceptable, given the fact that some people get addicted? The issue of legalized gambling cannot be resolved without conclusive answers to questions like these.Gambling Pros And Cons Essay Example
Gambling is a very controversial subject. There are many different pros and cons for gambling. One pro is tha a person can make make fast money and have fun at Casinos. On the other hand, a person can lose all their money and go through a period of stress. Legalized gambling requires consideration, prize and chance. However there have been cases in which these three things have not been present. For example, in games such as FanDuel it is believed that the game is not 100 percent chance. Gambling is so controversial because many types of gambling is illegal, has bad effects and can be very misleading.
Many online gambling sites are questioned to be legal. An example of this is Fanduel and Draftkings. Theses online gambling sites are…show more content…
When a person starts gambling it can be very hard to stop. As many as 750,000 people ages ranging from fourteen to forty-one has a gambling addiction. Gambling addictions also opens the doors for other things. For instance, an estimated Fifty percent of people with gambling problems commit a crime. Gambling addictions also lead to stress, depression and anxiety. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms affect anywhere from 12.5 to twenty nine percent of addicted gamblers. In fact, Thirty four percent of those who seek treatment for gambling addiction exhibit symptoms of PTSD. Gambling addictions can also cause you to hurt or lose your family. Sixty Five percent of the families with a spouse that has a gambling addiction ends up divorced. Only twenty percent of addicts are able to retain their job. Having gambling problem can cause your life to go downhill. There are many bad roads that addiction can lead…show more content…
Lottery companies emphasize that their money goes toward public education. In some cases this is true ,in Tennessee we have The Hope Scholarship and the two year promise which is funded from the lottery. Nearly two thirds of lottery money is set aside from prized. About five percent is used to pay for salaries and advertising. Then what 's left is used to pay for the prizes. The rest goes to the states to use. However based the 2012 study the biggest portion of lottery money goes toward prizes instead of public education which is against what the lottery companies stated. Also the online gambling site “Bet365” received a 2.75 million dollar penalty. They were guilty of luring new users with false free bet offers. The free bets offers was als attached with other unfair conditions. Players had to first gambling three times the value of their deposit and bonus within ninety days before withdrawing any winnings. They have drawn in over 73,000 players with this false advertising. Also Fanduel is misleading and they do not fulfill their promises. FanDuel is reportedly months behind on paying their users.They are trying to reach an agreement with New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman for false advertising. Last year FanDuel spent millions of dollars on ads promising to pay users. However, it was reported that ninety four percent of people lost their money and only one percent of the users took home almost all of the money